My dear friend at Create Cakes and I are going to do a monthly baking challenge to expand our horizons together on the things we want to try making. We have a long list already, which is part of why we didn't just join up with the Daring Bakers. I might still join them soon, we'll see. I also like to look at the The Weekend Cookbook Challenge and 24 Boxes. Beyond that, food blogging is exciting new terrain for me to explore.
I will post anything new I try each month, including the planned posts with my friend at Create Cakes. I have said I usually try something new atleast once a month, but I don't know. There are lots of fun things I could back post about too, and maybe I will, as time goes by.
For now, here are some of my thanksgiving photos. I like to take pictures of Thanksgiving Dinner when I cook it, which is unfortunately not every year. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because of all the fun cooking. My family and friends think I'm a bit nutty to want photos of my past feasts, but oh well!

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